Isolation – cooking for victory!

Isolation – cooking for victory!

Isolation – cooking for victory!  As day 7 of ‘lockdown’ dawns, realisation hits that while we have an ample stock of loo paper, a random and diminishing array of food lurks in the fridge – a few parsnips, a slightly flimsy looking cauliflower, some greening potatoes,...
Mid Winter treats

Mid Winter treats

MID WINTER TREATS Christmas is coming. Try as I might to ignore it, the festive season is upon us and the frosty mornings and low golden sunlight have made everything feel Christmassy to me much earlier than usual. Plans, recipes and present ideas are filling my head...
Autumn Warmers

Autumn Warmers

AUTUMN WARMERS Being a gardener is a bit of a mixed bag. Although the last few weeks have brought days when I have been soaked to the skin and windswept, Autumn sunshine, when it does show its face is a rich and glorious thing.  Far from the watery light of the spring...