In my opinion, Summer is the best time of year. Yes, there is something to be said for Spring with its host of golden daffodils. There is something to be said for Autumn, season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Even Winter has a popular crisp brightness. But Summer brings us light, long long days and sunshine that warms to the bone. It brings cornflower blue skies, cotton wool clouds and occasional dramatic thunderstorms that are spectacular to watch. It brings Wimbledon!
The garden is now full of ripening crops, courgettes and beans, new potatoes and dark pink radishes and among these delights nestle the growing jewel like red berries that characterise an English Summer.

Strawberry Soup is a special dish. It can be eaten for a starter or a pudding, on its own or with ice cream. It is cool, refreshing, naturally sweet and tangy. It is wonderful for guests after a day of travelling, delightful for a supper party or for a children’s treat. It is simply the best.

Strawberry Soup
Ingredients (Serves 3)
- 500g ripe strawberries
- 6 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
- 2 level tsp raw honey
- 6 basil leaves
- 6 mint leaves
- 1 grind of black pepper
Simply blend the ingredients together until smooth. Adjust with more honey or lemon juice as required, then chill for 1-2 hours and serve.
Rose Paul
16th July 2019
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